
Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction & Sexual Arousal Dysfunction happen because of the dysfunction in your brain? 😨 Strained & Drained Brain are most likely at the core of the ED & SAD. In this video, discover the 2 simple steps to effectively help erectile dysfunction. Follow along as Dr. Trish Leigh breaks down the process to help you overcome this common issue. Don't let ED hold you back any longer - try these steps today and see real results! 🙌🏼 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 About this Porn Rewire Channel: Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist. I am on a mission to help people heal their brains from porn use. My videos are designed to help you learn that: 🎯 Porn Damages Your Brain 🎯 Porn Impairs Your Mental and Physical Health 🎯 Porn Destroys Your Relationships Subscribe to this channel for brain tips to: 🔹Quit Porn for Good 🔹Heal Your Brain from Porn 🔹Get Motivated in Your Life 🔹Repair Your Mental & Physical Health 🔹Heal Erectile Dysfunction ➡️If you need more help, I can work directly with you. Check out the programs 👉 https://drtrishleigh.com/ ➡️Donate to Porn 🧠 Prevention, the nonprofit to help teens avoid porn addiction 👇https://pornbrainprevention.org/ ➡️Brain Training to Quit Porn. Get the headband below with the 15% discount included. (Discount shows up at checkout... look for it there!) https://drtrishleigh.com/neurofeedback-coaching-program/ ➡️Let's Connect! Check out my Linktree 👉 https://linktr.ee/Drtrishleigh CHAPTERS 01:10 What's at the Core of Sexual Arousal Dysfunction (SAD) 02:37 What's at the Core of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)? 04:00 How to Help Erectile Dysfunction (ED)? 06:37 Building a Lifestyle Without Porn 08:06 How Can I Help You With Erectile Dysfunction? #erectiledysfunction #erectiledysfunctiontreatment #neurofeedback #drtrishleigh #eeg #quitporn #pornaddiction #pornaddictionrecovery #pornbrainrewire #drleigh #leavepornbehind #nofap #pornkillslove #stopwatchingporn #pmo #controlyourbrain #mindoverporn #stopwatchingporn #pornprevention #cureed #howtostopporn #sexaddictionhelp #sexaddiction #cantstopwatchingporn #howtoquitporn #sexaddictionrecovery
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