
This contains stupid adult humor, and was created strictly for comedic/artistic purposes. No offense is intended toward any products or individuals featured in this content. This is a digital theater piece for your entertainment. Everything seen or heard on this program is a joke, satire, or pure nonsense. F*#k off! If you like our content, please subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. Comment if you have anything to add to our conversations and wish to hear our opinion on other topics. Send anonymous questions to be answered on the Podcast through here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheBroskiedoodles Wanna watch my Spanish Podcast ? EL POSCAT DE KIKO https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLTOB4mtGopUxsfpE4CpNgg Instagram: @TheBroskiedoodles @elkikocervantes @kik0fl0w Twitter: @Broskiedoodles @kik0fl0w @elkikocervantes --------------------------------------
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