
In this video I talk about the 5 benefits I have experienced since taking CBD oil. I started taking it in March 2019 and recorded this video in May 2020. The blog to support the video is: https://lauratry.com/cbdbenefits/ My CBD Oil Journal can be found here: https://lauratry.com/cbd4/ I hope you found this video useful. __________ ** HIT SUBSCRIBE to get NEW VIDEOS ** FEATURING: - The Tonic Tribe CBD Oil 8% - https://bit.ly/TonicTribe-8 Use LAURASTRIBE15 for 15% off your order. MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS - Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/2pj2ai/ FOLLOW ME for fun & games - Instagram: @LauraTryUK - Twitter: @LauraTryUK - Facebook: Laura Try (facebook.com/LauraTryUK) - Website: https://lauratry.com
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