
Erectile Dysfunction? Smell your feet to lift it up! Are you struggling with erectile dysfunction and looking for a natural remedy? Look no further! Discover a simple yet effective technique that can help improve blood circulation and enhance your libido effortlessly. Step-by-Step Procedure: Step 1: Locate the midpoint of your foot, dividing it into thirds. Step 2: Apply firm pressure to the midpoint of your foot, directly stimulating blood flow to your genital area. Step 3: Massage the area vigorously, pushing hard to improve circulation and alleviate erectile dysfunction. Step 4: Repeat this massage technique regularly to maintain optimal blood flow to your PP. Step 5: For added comfort, consider having your partner assist with the massage to ensure thorough and effective treatment. Transform your health this Spring with Achieve Integrative Health! Schedule an Initial Exam today https://bit.ly/AIH-Special #achieveintegrativehealth #anythingisachieveable #acupuncture #qraacupuncture #neurologyacupuncture #acupuncturist #homeexercise #healthy #fatigue #Chronicfatigue #heart #kidney #lungs #hearthealth #lungshealth #kidneyhealth #instagramacu #instagramreels #reels Disclaimer:This video is for general informational purposes only. Log in to https://bit.ly/AIH-Disclaimer to learn more. About Jimmy Yen Jimmy Yen received his Bachelors degree in Biochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin and his Masters degree in Oriental Medicine from the Texas Health & Science University. Jimmy is a licensed Acupuncturist in Texas, licensed by the Texas Medical Board. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Jimmy and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. No medical advices, just natural Biohacking tips that work! Achieve Integrative Health Pioneer in Restorative Acupuncture https://AchieveIntegrativeHealth.com Anything is Achieve-able in helping #chronicpain, #neuropathy, supportive #cancercare Our goal is to help you RESTORE your body’s natural ability to heal itself so that you can do the things you love with Personalized Acupuncture Therapy to help you enjoy your life again. Schedule an Initial Exam today - https://bit.ly/AIH-Special-T Subscribe to our Optimizing Tips - https://bit.ly/AIHSubscribe Follow us: Youtube - https://bit.ly/AIHYoutube Instagram - https://bit.ly/AIHInstagram TikTok - https://bit.ly/AIHTikTok Facebook - https://bit.ly/AIHFacebook Twitter - https://bit.ly/AIHTwitter LinkedIn - https://bit.ly/AIHLinkedIn 12 Day Rebuild Program - https://www.divinefarmerhealth.com/12dayrebuild Shop on our New Online Store - https://bit.ly/AIH-Store #achieveintegrativehealth #anythingisachieveable #restorativeacupuncture
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