
When you compare THC drug cases in Texas to all other types of felony drug cases, THC is treated with much more leniency. 🤠 Ryan Deck has great success with getting these cases dismissed, or at the very least, reduced to misdemeanors or low-level felony deferred adjudication probations. If you or a loved one has been charged with possession of THC, contact us today and we can make a plan of action together. Learn More ➡️ https://www.roundrockcriminaldefensel... Follow for More 👋 https://www.instagram.com/lawofficeof... https://www.facebook.com/lawofficeofr... https://twitter.com/AttyRyanDeck https://www.tiktok.com/@ryandecklaw #RoundRockTX #CriminalDefenseAttorney #CriminalDefense #WilliamsonCounty #TravisCounty
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