
#ed #erectiledysfunction #niacin #erectiledysfunctiontreatment Niacin has been shown in research to REVERSE erectile dysfunction in men with moderate to severe ED. It's an important part of any plan to fix ED. Watch this video to make sure you're using it right. Hey guys just wanted share another weapon for preventing and reversing erectile dysfunction. There are a lot of things that can help fight erectile dysfunction but many of them are expensive or take a lot of time and effort. But today is your lucky day because this solution is cheap, easy and natural. It’s a vitamin that is commonly deficient and under utilized in helping reverse one of the causes of ED. It’s vitamin B3 or niacin. I’m going to give you a quick overview of how niacin can help fight ED but make sure to watch to the end because there are some things you need to know about niacin for it to work including the dose. Niacin is an essential nutrient and is involved in over 500 different chemical processes in the body. One of the things that niacin is involved with is cholesterol production. High cholesterol and heart disease are some of the main causes for erectile dysfunction. When you have high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood combined with inflammation, the cholesterol begins to stick to the walls of your arteries, over time they begin to calcify or harden which creates stiffness. This then leads to higher blood pressure and more strain on the heart and can even cause blockages to form. This also affects the arteries in the penis. They become stiff and plaques can form that reduce blood flow. The blood vessels to the penis are much smaller than the ones to the heart, and are affected sooner in the process so you will notice erection problems before you start to have problems with your heart. So it’s kind of like the canary in a coal mine signaling a serious problem that may be going on in your cardiovascular system. So this is really important to take care of. If you have high cholesterol your doctor will most likely prescribe cholesterol lowering drug called a statin. These do lower cholesterol effectively but have some nasty side effects like: muscle pain, weakness, nausea, liver and kidney damage, sleep problems, neurological problems and the list goes on and on. The great thing about niacin is that it lowers LDL cholesterol which is considered to be the bad kind of cholesterol and actually raises HDL cholesterol which is the good kind. HDL can actually help clear the blood vessels. Studies show that having a good ratio of HDL to LDL is better at preventing heart disease than just a lower total cholesterol score. What’s good for the blood vessels is good for erections. Niacin has been shown in studies to improve erections in men with high cholesterol and moderate to severe ED. In a study 80 men with high cholesterol and ED took 1500 mg niacin for 12 weeks. That’s all they did and at the end they had better erections. The moderate and severe cases did better than the mild cases of ED. Now there’s something you need to know about niacin. It will cause a flush reaction. It starts a warm tingling or prickling sensation accompanied by redness in the forehead and moves down the body, sometimes all the way to the toes. It’s safe and effective but it can be startling to get the flush reaction if you’re not expecting it. The bigger the dose the more the flushing so it’s a good ideas to start with a smaller dose and spread it out over the day and take it with meals to reduce the flush. Most people have little to no flush after a few weeks. It’s safe to take up to 3000 mg a day which is a high dose but you should consult with your doctor first especially if you have liver disease or are an alcoholic. Also, don’t stop taking your statins without consulting with your doctor. This video is for educational purposes, not medical advice. To summarize: 1500 mg of niacin taken daily for 12 weeks helps with Erectile dysfunction and can improve your cholesterol. Just watch out for the niacin flush, start with a smaller dose, spread the dose out over the day and take it with meals If you Reduce Sode effects. FACEBOOK PAGE LINK : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557043580326&mibextid=ZbWKwL FACEBOOK I.D : https://www.facebook.com/share/3s9i118CfU6cPpYa/?mibextid=qi2Omg TIKTOK : tiktok.com/ @DrAbdulHalimSajid INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/dr_abdul_halim_sajid?igsh=MTB3NndyN2cwbjJidA== SNAPCHAT https://www.snapchat.com/add/drahsajid?share_id=u4OfAfhdxxY&locale=en-GB Don't forget to like this video, subscribe to our channel, and turn on notifications for more valuable content. Leave your thoughts, comments, and additional questions below—We love hearing from our viewers!
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