
Looking for reviews of the PureEase CBD Gummies Ben Carson scam that populates Google search results and make various medical ailment or weight loss claims about what the product can supposedly do, even though it can't? You've come to the right place. The PureEase CBD Gummies Ben Carson scam and fake reviews were making the rounds in early October 2023 in suspect ads that led to scam websites. Those scam websites then led to the official websites and customer service and support phone number and email address for PureEase CBD Gummies. The PureEase CBD Gummies Ben Carson scam was about Donald Trump challenging the FDA, Bill O'Reilly, Denzel Washington, Tom Brady, Robert DeNiro, "Dr. Rosenhouse," "Dr. Cortigan" and others, and pretends with fake reviews that the investors on the reality show or the political and celebrity figures all created or invested in the product. Stay far away from any websites or social media posts that claim these famous people or Mark Cuban, Kevin O'Leary, Barbara Corcoran, Robert Herjavec, Lori Greiner, and the other investors all had something to do with gummies. It's a lie. Here's more about how the FTC handled these product scams in the past: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2020/12/ftc-announces-crackdown-deceptively-marketed-cbd-products. My advice if you purchased PureEase CBD Gummies from a scam website after seeing fake reviews, that is, if calling a customer service and support number did not work, is to call your credit card company and alert them of the fact that you have been scammed. Let them know you would like to obtain a refund. Please like my video with the thumbs up button, as that'll tell Google and YouTube my video has credibility. That might help my video rise in Google search results and help others not get scammed. Also, please tap the thanks button, which is the heart-shaped symbol to the right of the like button. That would mean a lot to me. NOTE: This product and scam have absolutely nothing to do with any similarly-named products, so do not contact any other companies with a name similar to this one. Also, sometimes scammers and affiliate marketers use product names and company names in ways that are without permission. I'm not sure exactly what's happening here, but just FYI.
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