
today i'm presenting you the best male enhancement/sex god subliminal ever made in subliminal history, inb4 someone copy paste this and upload it on their patreon i'll upload the raw wav file soon for everyone for free!!! lets get into the benefits : *Ultimate Growth/enhancement 2.0* : - safe, healthy activity and expression of AR receptor gene in cavernosal tissue - tricking your subconscious mind to believe you got higher prenatal DHT exposure in your mother womb ( experimental but could be game changer if works, also it wont raise your DHT its just more of a memory implant ) - tricking your subconscious mind to believe you always had a higher 5AR in cavernosal tissue - the mRNA gene expression of your penile tissue never came in contact with plastic, GMO , and vaccines ( again game changer also it tackles the root issue ) - 9×7 erect - 7×6 flaccid - provide healthy amount of stem cells to corpus cavernosa, corpus spongiosum , penis glans, body, root to make them grow in length and in width - constantly make the root,body and glans of your penis more thicker and wider - perfectly straight penis without any curvature - massive, veiny, bigger, wider fat penis shaft - bigger, massive, fuller, healthier testicles which grows proportionally with your penis. *3 Treasures* : - all the organs in your body are flooded with Qi, jing and shen - healthy, youthful, strong kidneys that are filled with lots of jing - restore vitality, virility, life force,lust, enthusiasm and vigor - replenish all the jing lost from excess fapping or sex *ULTIMATE DETOX 2.0*: - safely detox lead, mercury, arsenic, chromium and cadmium, pesticides, herbicides,microplastic, BPA, PCB, xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens, parabens, formaldehyde, triclosan, chemical pollutants, phthalates, carcinogens etc + body prioritize detoxing through feces,urine etc so it wont cause skin purging, acne ( but still increase water intake and a better lifestyle and diet will help with detox ) - endocrine system, spermatic cord, sperms etc are protected from endocrine disruptors and electromagnetic radiations etc - detox artificial sweeteners like aspartame etc - immune and protected from harmful and dangerous vehicle gases and fumes etc - detox benzene from your blood - safely detox sulfur dioxide + your respiratory tract is totally immune to it - detox carbon mono oxide from your blood - immune to nitrogen oxides +++ Immunity to all this. *immunity to diseases/STDs + god tier male reproductive system* : - tunica albuginea is always free from plaque + immunity to peyronie disease - healthy prostate and fix + gain immunity from prostatitis - heathy, rejuvenated urinary tract system - immunity to vericocle and hydrocele + healthy blood vessels of penis and testicles - free from and spermatorrhea and any kind of semen leakage + gain immunity it - immunity to ejaculatory duct obstruction - immunity to oozospermia, hyperspermia and hypospermia - fix phimosis and gain immunity to it - immune to STDs - fix (if you have it) and immune to hard flaccid syndrome. *Ultimate Noporn/complete brain reboot/addiction removal* - removal of all deltaFosB ( related to any addiction ) from the neurons + removal of any and all kind of addiction related neural pathway - healthy, rejuvenated nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum - healthy limbic system - heal, restore reward circuit in your brain + healed mesolimbic dopamine pathway - healthy, rejuvenated basal ganglia - optimal increase of white matter in the pre frontal cortex - optimal increase of grey matter in cerebellum and cerebrum - optimal levels of BDNF in the brain - heal and reverse all the damage from watching porn and any other addiction - dislike porn, increased discipline and will power etc - gain immunity to porn and masturbation addiction *Erection like steel/sex pill/ultimate sex god* : - healthy and strong pelvic floor muscles + good mind muscles connection with your pelvic floor - healthy and strong ischiocavernosus muscle - healthy and strong parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system - balanced levels of noradrenaline *Symptoms of high noradrenaline includes* - short flaccid hang - struggle to keep erection - morning wood but performance anxiety *excess copper actually turns more dopamine into noradrenaline that's why zinc helps so much with erection see pinned comment for further benefits,
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