
Can you use CBD oil to treat seizures and epilepsy in dogs? If so how do you give it and what dose of CBD oil should you use? Here are some high-quality CBD options with independent analysis: - Oil: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/XD25X - Hard chews: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/0LRBR - Soft chews: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/EoRY2 - Peanut butter: https://cbdmd.t7c9v8.net/6rV9E - Need to try and determine the causes of the seizures - organ disease, infections, poisoning, brain lesions, epilepsy - When to start treatment if epilepsy - 2 or more seizures in 6 months - certainly more than 1 a month, not recovering between seizures, severe seizure or prolonged recovery If not epilepsy then need to try and address underlying cause as often don’t respond as well to anti-seizure medication alone - Need to pick best anti-seizure medication With some drugs like phenobarbital and imepitoin we know how effective they can be and what to expect with long term administration. With CBD oil research into its use to control seizures is in the early stages, there are currently no published studies detailing how effective it is, although these are starting to be run. - Why try a drug we don’t know much about or how well it works over other drugs that we know work in a large number of patients? Related videos: phenobarbital - https://youtu.be/Iral3UWbfEQ treatment of epilepsy and seizures - https://youtu.be/0NqJi32Asvs epilepsy in dogs facts - https://youtu.be/2E8JlRMt_vk CBD oil in the treatment of seizures, anxiety, arthritis, and cancer - https://youtu.be/KnUj9R9Mv3s Get your question answered at http://dralexanswers.com Check out all my free downloads and resources: https://ourpetshealth.com/resources Subscribe to the channel: https://goo.gl/CRZKwq Social: Twitter: https://twitter.com/OurPetsHealth Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurPetsHealthTV Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourpetshealth Disclaimers: - all opinions are my own, sponsors are acknowledged. Links in description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost. - We are a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites. - Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com - The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute specific vet advice for any individual cat, dog or other animal of any species. for more information head over to OurPetsHealth.com
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