
SEIZURE AND EPILEPSY UPDATE | IS CBD OIL WORKING? We answer your questions... Is CBD oil working? Is Aurora still having seizures? We also give you her epilepsy update. Fan mail: Crazy Pieces (Keep it Crazy) P.O. Box 2562 St. Johns, AZ 85936 Super fans: We really need your help! You can help us translate our uploads, and get credit below each video! Click here to help: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UCKE8PzFYXq1P5yeZuGVmymA&tab=2 ♥FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA♥ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CrazyPieces/ https://www.instagram.com/max__pettit/ https://www.instagram.com/halie.me/ https://www.instagram.com/_alex.petti... https://www.instagram.com/aaron_crazy...
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