
Does penis stretching work? Learn the hard truth about jelqing, a non-medical penis enlargement technique that some people say increases the length and size of their penis. Hims host Chad walks Chief Medical Officer Dr. Patrick Carroll through a quick Google tour of how to jelq (an exercise for male enhancement), and Dr. Pat warns of the risks of (gulp) micro-tearing. We learn how jelqing can cause long-term damage to your penis and what other things you should focus on if you’re concerned about the size of your penis or want a bigger penis. 1:18 What is jelqing? 1:38 How to stretch your penis 3:00 Jelqing side effects / does jelqing work? 3:16 Is jelqing (or penis stretching exercises) safe? 3:46 How to make your dick longer At Hims, we’ve got everything you need to have great sex. Learn more and start your free visit here: https://www.hims.com/erectile-dysfunction Want to learn more? Check out these articles. Jelqing: Is Penis Stretching a Winner or a Big Waste? https://www.hims.com/blog/jelqing-penis-stretching-exercises Do Penis Enlargement Pills Work? https://www.hims.com/blog/do-penis-growth-pills-work How to Increase Blood Flow to the Penis:: https://www.hims.com/blog/the-best-ways-to-improve-blood-flow-to-your-penis Shop products mentioned. Glide Water-Based Lube: https://www.hims.com/sexual-health/water-based-lube #jelqing #jelq #PenisStretching #PenisExercises #WhatIsJelqing #HowToJelq #DoesJelqingWork #MaleEnhancementExercises #PenisStretchingExercises #JelqingResults #JelqingBeforeAndAfter #HowToMakeYourDickLonger #PenisStretches #PenisEnlargementExercises #DoesPenisStretchingWork #HowToStretchYourPenis #JelqingSideEffects #HowToIncreaseGirthSizeExercises Subscribe to Hims on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@forhims?sub_confirmation=1 Why Hims? ✅ Free medical consultation ✅ Discreet shipping, if prescribed ✅ 100% online process ✅ Trusted generic alternatives to the biggest brands Prescription products require an online consultation with a medical professional who will determine if a prescription is appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for full details and important safety information. https://www.hims.com/ Follow Hims on social: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearehims Twitter: https://twitter.com/wearehims Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hims/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hims
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