
https://www.pandacbd.com/can-you-take-cbd-oil-with-antibiotics/ If you live in a state where cannabis has been decriminalized or legalized, you may have noticed that tons of CBD products are being sold all around you. Cannabidiol (CBD oil) is legal in states with medical marijuana and is extracted from the flowers or buds of marijuana and hemp plants. CBD is not the same thing as the chemical of marijuana THC — THC produces the high many people get from marijuana, whereas CBD is cited for helping with pain, relaxing, sleep, and even skincare. Amazingly, CBD is also being used to prevent seizures and treat epilepsy. The U.S Food and Drug Administration approved CBD medication to treat two rare forms of childhood epilepsy. Given all these great health benefits, you may be considering buying some products with CBD in them, such as creams and oils. Maybe you want to ingest it to sleep better at night. or you have a chronic illness that causes you a lot of pain. One important thing to be aware of before ingesting anything is to make sure it does not conflict with any other medications you may be taking. So you may be wondering — can you take CBD oil with antibiotics?
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