
S*x therapist Natalie Finegood Goldberg discussed with us some ways in which s*x therapy can be utilized to address and help with er*ctile dysfunction (ED). In session, she works with clients to unpack some of the false beliefs that fuel anxiety contributing to ED. By diving into these beliefs, a s*x therapist can help the client reflect on the validity of these beliefs and challenge them to explore other possibilities. ► Website link | https://erectioniq.com/ ► Work with an Expert | https://erectioniq.com/work-with-an-expert/ ► Erectile dysfunction course | https://erectioniq.com/course/ ► Full Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8n4L0F7px8 ► Learn more about Natalie: ► https://www.instagram.com/sextherapylosangeles/?hl=en ► https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliefinegoodgoldberg/ ► https://courses.creatingchangela.com/courses/when-it-s-hard-to-stay-hard #MentalHealth #AnxietyRelief #TherapyApproach #OvercomingAnxiety #MindsetShift #MentalWellbeing
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