
What tests to do for erectile dysfunction? What are tests for ed? How to test for erection problem? This video has the answer. In this video I dwell deep on all the necessary tests for erection problems. Many patients today are getting ripped off by consultants when they visit a men's health clinic for erection issues. Numerous unwanted tests for erectile disorder are nowadays being prescribed. This results in a tremendous amount of costs which can affect the patient emotionally and mentally, since today a major driving factor for divorce is erectile dysfunction. Watch the video till the end. Put in your comments, like & subscribe. Get in touch with us below Schedule a consultation ----- https://www.andrologycorner.com Connect with us on social channels as below https://www.facebook.com/ShahsClinic/ https://twitter.com/drdupesh https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKRnz5kD8gyoaA6tO30F2A/ Or us visit us at Dr. Shah's Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual health No 21, Sree Kalki Apartments, Ground Floor, Bazullah Road, T-Nagar, Chennai - 600017 No: +91-9790783856 Timing: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Link to clinic and directions. https://goo.gl/maps/E1Jwvh1wvsJYcqH46
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