
Negative effects of sex pills || Side effects of sex Tablets || #sexmedicine #sexpills Using medication like vigora and menforce without doctor prescription just to enhance your performance what could it lead to in a longer term that is the point of discussion of this video . so there is an increasing trend towards the recreational use of medication like viagra or sidenafil so many times what happen specially with younge males that when ever they are about to sexual intercourse with girlfreinds they just take a pill reason that is says that it improve there performance the rable to perform matters and are many equations there are able to have 2 or 3 sexual intercourse in a single night and that is the primary reason why they takes pills so it may helps you in the beginning it may help you initially but problem is that once you start taking pills every single time before going to intercourse your body and more importantly your mind kind of become dependent on that pills . if you have not taking the pills you start feeling encius the thought that i have not taken the pill would i be to able erection i have not taken the pills would i be to satisfy my partner that thoughts come in to mind and even if you are able to have a nrmal intercourse you feel that it was not up to the mark so that they tendency to you know get in to the loop where every time you have to intercourse you have to take that pills that tendency devlope and you dont feel good enough about yourself you dont feel that would be able to perform normally in the options of pill so this pattern gets develop letter on starts creating problems because once you get married once you get regular sexual intercourse it becomes to quite impossible to take pill they every single time you want to have sexual intercourse .
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