
Video Voice - Voice From Elevenlabs.io voice over website Video Information- From Google Video/Image Present- From Instagram Rebel Wilson claims Adele hates her guts, and it all has to do with size comparisons people to used to make about them. In a new excerpt from Wilson's upcoming book Rebel Rising, the actress reveals the Grammy winner likely isn't her biggest fan, as the two were juxtaposed quite a bit over the years. While Rebel admits she has never confronted Adele directly about the alleged hate, she does say Adele would avoid her like the plague at industry events, which seems to be why she thinks Adele doesn’t like her. Rebel Wilson adds: As if my fatness might rub off on her if I were near her for more than thirty seconds. She claims the hitmaker also disliked being compared to her character in the Pitch Perfect franchise, who was infamously named Fat Amy. Rebel and Adele have both gone through impressive weight loss transformations in recent years, and Adele in particular has been both praised and criticized for it for various reasons. Adele isn't the only celebrity to be name-dropped in Rebel's forthcoming memoir. Wilson called out Sacha Baron Cohen in one controversial chapter, making allegations against him and labeling him an asshole. There’s been a lot of back and forth between those two this past week, but Sacha Baron Cohen has outright denied her characterization of their work together. Rebel Wilson’s book Rebel Rising is coming out in a couple of days, we will see if there are any more big names mentioned. Latest Celebrity News, Entertainment News, Gossip, Real Housewives, Royal Families. Subscribe: youtube.com/@MovieManiaHub-hb4fr Note: All the Photos are taken from Google Image search by using advanced image search option. Usage rights: "free to use, share & modify . Grateful to Google for the information. #rebeladelehatesme #rebeladeleweightloss #rebelwilson #rebelwilsonrebelrising #rebelwilson #rebelwilson2024 #rebelwilsonmemoir #latestcelebritynews #rebelsacha #dailyblast #dailyblastlive #adele #celebrities #genshinlanternrite #genshinimpactevent #genshinimpactstream #genshinlanternriteevent #celebritynews #genshinimpact #thesuperficialspirit #rebelwilsonnewmovie #rebelwilsonweightloss #rebelwilsonnow #rebelwilsonengaged #moviemaniahub #etimes #rebelwilsonbaby #brittanysnow #rebelwilson #annakendrick #pitchperfectcast #pitchperfect3 #ramonaagruma #rebelwilsonage #howoldisrebelwilson #rebelwilsonwife #pitchperfect4 #castofpitchperfect #rebelwilsonpartner #rebelwilsonhusband
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