
Today's guest is Dr. Jeanette Jacknin. She was one of the first holistic dermatologists in the USA. Today she talks to us about using CBD oil to alleviate eczema, including using CBD to relieve pain from eczema flare ups, inflammation, and healing wounds/rashes. She has also published articles in InStyle.com, Organic Spa magazine, Dermstore.com, Essence, Dr. Oz.’s Good Life magazine, and Fortune.com. Dr.Jacknin is an expert in conventional and natural skin care therapies, cosmetic dermatology, and natural ingredients for cosmeceuticals. Board-certified and licensed in the state of Arizona, she has written the only comprehensive book on both allopathic and naturopathic skin care therapies, published by Penguin Putnam in 2001 (now available at www.drjacknin.com). She also contributed the first 3 chapters to Dr. Andy Weil’s textbook of Integrative Medicine published in 2014. She launched her effective botanical anti-aging skin care line in 2009, and over the past 8 years has spoken at more than 45 national conferences on anti-aging, beauty and natural ingredients, has given talks to 4 Dermatology Departments and has spoken at 9 international conferences on hemp and CBD in skin care. Dr. Jacknin was also asked to join the elite Complementary and Alternative Medicine Task Force of the American Academy of Dermatology in 2013, and spoke at the annual 2016 national AAD meeting as part of the Integrative Medicine Team. You can read the full blog post here: https://www.eczemaconquerors.com/using-cbd-oil-to-alleviate-eczema-the-eczema-podcast-s3e8/ - 🌿 Ready to discover the real causes of eczema that go beyond just the skin? Download my free eBook, “Discover The 15 Overlooked Root Causes Of Eczema Flare-Ups” here: conqueryoureczema.com/root-causes-guide 🌿 Looking for personalized advice or faster results? Book a FREE Eczema breakthrough call: https://www.conqueryoureczema.com/results 🌿 In search of eczema-friendly skincare products? Shop my Conqueror skincare products here: https://bit.ly/eczemaskincare 🌿 For deeper insights and practical tips on overcoming eczema, tune into The Eczema Podcast: https://www.eczemaconquerors.com/eczema-podcast ♡ Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eczemaconquerors/ - #eczemafree #tsw #topicalsteroidwithdrawal
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