
My review of Savage CBD's 1,000 mg CBD oil after taking it for a couple of weeks. My dosage has been 2 ml, which is around 80 mg of CBD. Savage CBD's website: https://www.savagecbd.com/?rfsn=3039169.695e93&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3039169.695e93 15% Off Discount Code: CBDREVIEWLAB Disclaimer: CBD Review Lab strives to provide individuals with accurate and up-to-date information regarding various CBD products, however prices may change and information may be outdated. We recommend visiting the company website for the CBD products we recommend or review for the most accurate information. CBD Review Lab is supported by advertising and referral fees from many of the CBD companies featured. If you click the link to the website listed, or use my coupon code, I earn a small commission that goes to supporting this channel. My recommendations and reviews are based on my subjective opinion. Also please keep in mind there are many CBD products out there and I have not reviewed all of them!
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