
Penile enlargement is a topic that is sought on YouTube quite often. In this UroChannel video, Dr. med. Dr. phil. Stefan Buntrock, urologist from Göttingen, addresses the use of vacuum pumps for penis enlargement. They can also be used in Peyronie's disease, but as such, dr. Buntrock prefers penile extenders (to see this video, click on the link below). Penile extenders: https://youtu.be/U9-Uh2Glkq0 HOMEPAGE: https://www.buntrock-urologie.de/ SOCIAL MEDIA: https://www.instagram.com/urochannel/ CHECK OUT GOLFAKUTEN ON YOUTUBE FOR GOLF FITNESS AND MEDICAL TOPICS ON GOLF! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRP3XJFeJzCLjQsBYFYBXeg #penile enlargement #vacuum device #penile extenders
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