
Welcome to Young Living’s CBD 101 series! In episode 9, we focus on how to use CBD. We want to help everyone use Nature’s Ultra CBD products in the most effective way possible. Whether you’re new to the world of CBD or you’re a product professional when it comes to this wellness tool, you may have a few questions about how to use it in your daily routine. If you’ve wondered how to use Nature’s Ultra products, we’ve got tips and tricks for you here! Love learning about CBD? Keep watching the series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrZMYeyFzVEqKoiJwuvVryRWhcjlNbqUq Get started with high-quality, Seed to Seal®-certified CBD with our CBD Premium Starter Kit: https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/premium-starter-kit-cbd?al=cbd%20starter For more glimpses into the science behind our products and the ways that Young Living can benefit your life, subscribe to see more videos like this! Want more? Follow us on our social media to get great DIY projects, tips on using our essential oils and CBD products, and the next events that you can be a part of! Blog: https://youngliving.com/blog Facebook: https://facebook.com/youngliving Instagram: https://instagram.com/youngliving Twitter: https://twitter.com/youngliving Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/youngliving #YoungLivingEssentialOils #NaturesUltra #CBD
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