
CAN HIJAMA CURE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION? Sexual dysfunction treatment for Hijama Cupping therapy , Hijama Benefits : Cupping is an effective treatment for smokers; it detoxifies the body. Cupping has a great effect on the sexual ability of the man as it activates blood circulation. The relaxing effects of Hijama can help alleviate these mental stressors, thereby improving sexual performance. & Timing ⏱️ , हिजामा’ एक अरबी शब्द है जिसका अर्थ है - ‘बाहर निकालना’ का अर्थ है शरीर से दूषित रक्त को बाहर निकालना। क्यूपिंग (हिजामा) दो प्रकार का होता है, सूखा और गीला। BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT VIA INSTAGRAM 📲DM OR ☎️CALL & ✅Watsap US @ 9699011786 BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT VIA INSTAGRAM 📲DM OR ☎️CALL ( Hakeem Kazi Hasan ) ( D.Cu.T. Regd. No. 4073 ) _______________________ حجامہ سنت بھی اور علاج بھی. ( Timing : 11am to . 10 pm ) ( Note : Wednesday Closed ) _______________________ Kz Hijama Centre Address : Rizvi Mansion, Shop No. -5, Gr. Floor, Plot No. -56, L.J. Road, Nr. Fakhruddin Shah Baba Dargah, Mahim (west), Mumbai - 400016 __________________ ( KZ HIJAMA PRICE ) ( SERVICE ) Wet Cupping, Pr cup ₹ 100 Dry Cupping, ₹ 500 Whithair per Cup ₹ 150 Without hair per Cup ₹ 100 Fire Cupping, ₹ 500 Massage Cupping, ₹ 500 Singhi Cupping, ₹ 500 Facial Cupping, ₹ 500 Leech Therapy, Per Leech ₹ 300 ——-/——-/——-/——-/——/——/——/——/—-/—-/— #sexualhijama #sexualdysfuction #erctiledisfunction #sexualtreatment #sexualtreatments #sexualmedicine #sexualdysfuctions #timing #vigera #estemina #power #heardboy #powerful #hijama #hakeemkazi #kzhijama #reels #shorts #instagram #instashorts #trendingreels #mumbai #bandra #thane #viral #trending #mahim #india #instalike #insta
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