
As men get older, they produce less of the sex hormone testosterone, which can have a wide range of adverse effects. They can gain body fat, especially around the pectorals and waist (love handles). They can find that even when they work out as hard as they did in their youth, they don’t see the same muscle growth. They can also find themselves lacking in libido and suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is not just an embarrassing problem for men, it can also lead to trouble in their relationships. It can lead their partners to think that they no longer find them sexually desirable and can lead to a lack of intimacy which can be hugely damaging to the relationship. While many are aware of drug treatments available for erectile dysfunction, fewer are aware of a safer and more sustainable alternative, the Priapus Shot® (or P-Shot®). Contact the knowledgeable staff at Infinity MedSpa today to schedule your P-Shot® consultation! Call Today to Learn More! 978-579-4092
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