
HI loves we been getting alot of questions on CBD OIL if we still have emma on CBD so we made a quick video to let you know why we stopped giving cbd oil to our daughter and our experience :) probiotic https://amzn.to/38nFkgl #cbdoilforautism#whywestoppedcbd #autismandcbdoils #doescbdworkforautism Q&A https://youtu.be/btP14xGhRgs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKxdnDDJ6BV495Mb9IzBpcD8uSnTHwgJJ Signs of autism with home footage of our daughter Autism Early Signs | Toddler Signs Of Autism With Footage https://youtu.be/KW2l0x1tc1U MY CLEANING CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Tk_sljcexOwqVjO3bKz9g?view_as=subscriber Antonys channel Christian channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNLhs9gzlW9qA_p0hgryWQA Follow us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/blessed_mamma_v https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3057597108191232407 out of the US PayPal email is vguti85@gmail.com some links are affiliate links that can earn me a small commission thank you for the support ! P.O BOX 601241 Sacramento Ca 95860-1241 Veronica Gutierrez Some Affiliate links that means I make a Small commission when item is purchase I appreciate the support For business purposes email 📧 Vguti85@gmail.com
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